Financial Aid & Scholarships

Financial Aid

Please visit MUSC's Office of Student Financial Aid website or our frequently asked questions for current and prospective dental students.

Contractual Scholarships

The following scholarships are available to first, second, third and fourth year dental students.

Contractual Scholarships provide funding to assist students with meeting their educational expenses. In exchange for the scholarship, the student agrees to specified terms/conditions.

An Armed Forces Contract offers full scholarships to dental students interested in the armed forces. The Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship Program pays full tuition/fees and reimburses for books and supplies in addition to a monthly stipend adjusted every July. The student commits to one year of service in exchange for each year of payment with a minimum period of service being two (2) years.

Interested students should contact the local recruiter of the branch of service they are considering.


The following scholarships are available to second, third, and fourth year students. Additional scholarships may be available through the university’s Scholarship Opportunity Awards Resource System (SOARS). All scholarships require a one page typed request based on financial need, academic excellence, leadership achievement, integrity, and professionalism. All applicants are welcome regardless of race, ethnicity, gender or other protected class.

The same request may be used for all the scholarships, but please change the name of the scholarship on each request submitted. Applications are accepted through SOARS in June and July. All scholarship money will be applied to the recipients’ fall tuition.

The number and amount of specific scholarship is dependent on the availability of funds for the designated scholarship.

Clarence “Sport” Saunders Scholarship

In memory of Dr. Clarence “Sport” Saunders, a long time South Carolina dentist/periodontist, the Dean of the College of Dental Medicine, has established scholarships from an endowed “Saunders Fund.” Criteria for award of the scholarship to the students will be as follows:

The Clarence “Sport” Saunders Scholarship will be awarded to the student who has documentable financial need strictly to meet dental education expenses, who has a satisfactory academic record and has demonstrated personal integrity and character becoming of a professional.

College of Dental Medicine Annual Fund Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the Dean of the College of Dental Medicine. Recipients are chosen on the basis of financial need and academic excellence or financial need and leadership achievement. These scholarships are made possible by donations from College of Dental Medicine alumni.

Arthur L. Haisten Scholarship

This scholarship has been established in honor of Dr. Arthur L. Haisten, who served as Dean of the College of Dental Medicine for thirteen years. Criteria for award of the scholarship to the student will be as follows: The Arthur L. Haisten Scholarship will be awarded to the student who has documentable financial need strictly to meet dental education expenses, who has a satisfactory academic record and has demonstrated personal integrity and character becoming of a professional.

George McTeer Scholarship

This fund was created in honor of the college’s first African-American graduate, who for more than 40 years served as a role model for minority dental students and helped many matriculate through our dental program. This scholarship is awarded to recruit and retain dental students.

Harry and Adele Tetrick Scholarship

Mr. Tetrick was the college’s longtime maintenance supervisor, a man so devoted to the college and its students that his wife created this scholarship in his memory to benefit countless future generations. This scholarship is need-based.

College of Dental Medicine Class of 1974 Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the College of Dental Medicine Class of 1974. Criteria for the award of this scholarship will be as follows:

This scholarship provided by the College of Dental Medicine Class of 1974 will be awarded to dental students with financial needs to complete their undergraduate dental education. The recipients must have demonstrated a desire for the profession of dentistry, have high ethical standards, maintain an acceptable academic record, and demonstrate professionalism.

Wayland H. Cato, Jr. and Marion Rivers Cato Endowment Scholarship Fund

This scholarship has been established in honor of Dr. James Burrows Edwards, President Emeritus, Medical University of South Carolina. Criteria for the award of this scholarship will be as follows: This scholarship will be awarded to dental students with financial need to complete their dental education and academic excellence.

Read more information about Scholarships on the Enrollment Management page.