Recruitment Events

A group of smiling MUSC College of Dental Medicine students smiling.

MUSC campus guided tours

June and July
Monday and Wednesday
10 a.m. 

Contact the Office of Student Affairs at 843-792-2344 to schedule a guided tour of the dental school and the MUSC campus. If you are unable to tour at the times given above, please feel welcomed to tour the campus using MUSC's Guest & Visitor Information.

Dental Day

October 11, 2024

9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Register here.

Calling pre-dental advisors, students and organizations! You'll meet dental faculty, students and admissions counselors, and learn about the admissions process, the Dental Scientist Training Program, financial aid and the Navy Scholarship Program. The event also includes an informative student panel with several of our current predoctoral students.

Last year’s virtual version of the event drew about 200 participants, including students and pre-health college advisors from universities across the United States. 

Questions? Contact Pearl Givens at 843-792-6874 or

To learn more about events with the college's Office of Equity, please visit the Equity page.